Just want to say that I am really loving this chronological reading plan. It's interesting as you will see the next post that some things will be repetitive, but to me it makes all the more sense while it is happening at the same time reading through the gospels.
If this is the first page you clicked on check back to the first day of the ninety-two day chronological reading plan of the New Testament. "DAY ONE" If you want the whole plan day by day and not wait find it here at Shalom in the wilderness .
Day Three is Matthew 2, Luke 2:39-52
In Matthew there are a couple references to old testament prophesies. The first takes place where the wise men who seek after the lord are discussing with Herod the new born King. The cross reference of prophesy is shown in verses five and six where it points back to Micah 5 in the old testament. These wise men have been waiting for this prophesy to be fulfilled and are so excited to meet the baby that they were sharing the good news. When Herod found out he was distressed because he thought he was a God. In reading this part I am always disgusted by how obviously wicked men were especially rulers, and I can still see that it's still the same now. But of coarse what is worse really to be able to see how wicked someone is or to not see and be deceived by them? Funny thing is I may see it in this reading yet not catch our superiors being this way which in a way shows that people in those times, just as now, were deceived by leadership. This makes me ponder, is it any more or less, or is it the same since we learn that any sin, no matter what it is, is the same offense. Is not wickedness a sinful man in need of repentance, or is wickedness so evil that it is not redeemable? You will find that any man who is wicked is actually redeemable through repentance, the spirit is willing though the flesh is weak. So we must ask ourselves what is wickedness if not a rebellious and perverse culture?
Micah 5: 2-4
Matthew 2
If this is the first page you clicked on check back to the first day of the ninety-two day chronological reading plan of the New Testament. "DAY ONE" If you want the whole plan day by day and not wait find it here at Shalom in the wilderness .
Day Three is Matthew 2, Luke 2:39-52
In Matthew there are a couple references to old testament prophesies. The first takes place where the wise men who seek after the lord are discussing with Herod the new born King. The cross reference of prophesy is shown in verses five and six where it points back to Micah 5 in the old testament. These wise men have been waiting for this prophesy to be fulfilled and are so excited to meet the baby that they were sharing the good news. When Herod found out he was distressed because he thought he was a God. In reading this part I am always disgusted by how obviously wicked men were especially rulers, and I can still see that it's still the same now. But of coarse what is worse really to be able to see how wicked someone is or to not see and be deceived by them? Funny thing is I may see it in this reading yet not catch our superiors being this way which in a way shows that people in those times, just as now, were deceived by leadership. This makes me ponder, is it any more or less, or is it the same since we learn that any sin, no matter what it is, is the same offense. Is not wickedness a sinful man in need of repentance, or is wickedness so evil that it is not redeemable? You will find that any man who is wicked is actually redeemable through repentance, the spirit is willing though the flesh is weak. So we must ask ourselves what is wickedness if not a rebellious and perverse culture?
Micah 5: 2-4
2 "But you, Bethlehem Ephrathah, though you are small among the clansof Judah, out of you will come for me one who will be ruler over Israel, whose origins are from of old, from ancient times. " 3 Therefore Israel will be abandoned until the time when she who is in labor gives birth and the rest of his brothers return to join the Israelites. 4 He will stand and shepherd his flock in the strength of the LORD, in the majesty of the name of the LORD his God. And they will live securely, for then his greatness will reach to the ends of the earth.Herod is hideous to me to kill all these helpless children because he felt threatened by not receiving attention or to think someone would be greater than him? It is just beyond disturbing. Although Jesus is safe because it is by his father's will he lives, so many families were hurt to fulfill the prophesy, not by the heart of God but by the enemy. Which brings us to the next prophesy fulfillment of Rachel and her mourning verse 18 shows that these tears are heard over the generations and are not comforted because they are no more. A reflection of Death and our savior. He has come to concur death so that we may have life more abundantly. In addition to wipe the tears of our eyes from those who were lost and taken by death. What a blessing, every heart cries out about death at some point, it is a burden that will never leave us without the peace from love. For me, the joy of knowing we will be reunited in the lord is peace from his love and promise.
Matthew 2
18 "A voice is heard in Ramah, weeping and great mourning, Rachel weeping for her children and refusing to be comforted, because they are no more."
Both Joseph and the wise men were warned from the wickedness of Herod. Joseph to flee to stay away from Bethlehem to Egypt and the wise men to take another route to their home country and not go back the same way they came. When Herod died Joseph received another revelation that the party who was seeking to destroy Jesus was gone and was able to journey back but ended up in Nazareth to fulfill the prophesy that Jesus would be called a Nazarene.
The next part of the reading is another example of what I mentioned about Mary and Joseph marveling over something about their Son like they did not know how blessed he was. In this case the the end of Luke shows that they went to a annual feast celebration of the Passover. When Jesus was 12 something different happened. They traveled all the way back home leaving him behind and not noticing. I would say that is pretty nerve racking, I can imagine being frantic when realizing that you didn't have your son with you.
Luke 2
40 And the child grew and became strong; he was filled with wisdom, and the grace of God was upon him.
49 "Why were you searching for me?" he asked. "Didn't you know I had to be in my Father's house?" 50 But they did not understand what he was saying to them. 51 Then he went down to Nazareth with them and was obedient to them. But his mother treasured all these things in her heart. 52 And Jesus grew in wisdom and stature, and in favor with God and men.I love the child's response here, didn't you know that I had to be in my father's house? But even though he is the Son of God he is also their child so he remains obedient to them in all his righteousness. Very wise indeed. :)