Doorway to one mind and body


What has brought you to this point?

          People act like it is nothing to put trust in someone enough to let them in their home, not knowing who they really are, yet find it so hard to put trust in the unknown of the unseen. Yes, these same people are so scared to have faith in spiritual unfolding but not to have faith in something that could actually harm them by welcoming someone in their life to get close without question. Doesn't seem all that logical yet we all have done it.

     In our immaturity we request things as an ultimatum, allowing our faith to diminish when not received. Yet in our maturity we have understanding that we don't get what we want at all times by these requests or even when we request them. Unfortunately if we received everything we asked for based on what we wanted, promising to do something as long as it was given to us then it would be like only being friends with someone as long as you get something out of them in return, even if you have no intention to fulfill the promise that you've made to begin with. This would be an unstable foundation to any friendship. Faith is based on placing our trust that we receive what falls within the purpose of the great design meant for us. It saddens me actually, when I look back on my own life or meet people who let things tear them away from a great life because not everything is easy to face and we must wait for an unknown amount of time for our purpose to unfold. Yes, I forgive myself since I was merely immature and I do not judge or hate anyone but I question why within ignorance we would speak first instead of think about what we're actually saying. It is important to take each day with a grain of salt not placing worry in what is behind or ahead. Sometimes it is easy to fail at this test, for me, but I know logically if the whole day I'm not able to snap out of whatever misery is holding me down, even if I have tried everything, then I'll be able to start fresh as long as a new day dawns. Patience is not easy and neither is a faith driven life. Life is a spiritual battle, everyday we must overcome and claim our victories. Spirituality doesn't unfold over night, it is meant to be pruned, waited on and patiently endured until we come to a point of harvesting the fruit. If we don't nurture growth then the growth we did have may wither or stay where we are for as long as we allow it. Just as the seasons change, we do within our maturity. To be a healthy spiritual individual we need to be persistent and not give up based on what happens in our life, the war will be and will continue, yet unless we persistently prepare before these storms we will falter the whole way through them. I don't expect to convince nor do I expect any longer that people will read or respond to my thoughts and tidbits of emotional writings, though I will continue to in my understanding of self revelation.

     My heart is heavy for all those who confuse and base their life impacting decision of overall belief and faith on a struggle that they either don't face today or that they wanted the opposite to happen. Praying in ultimatum that we would do something to receive something is like saying if you do not receive it then your life is over or you cut off the relationship just like that, not true. Why so angry over something out of your control? The reality is, we aren't always requesting something to better ourselves. Neither is the prayer the best answer for us because we don't always know whats good for us, even if we always got what we wanted. Think about it, did you always get what you wanted from your parents? I know some people have gotten most but I find it hard to believe that everything you requested from your parents growing up was in agreement with what they wanted for you. Likewise as to what your parents want for you, it doesn't always perfectly match what would be best for you and your future. Our future is unknown therefore we can't make the best present decision not knowing what the future holds, we just think we know the ideal play out and plan based on what would make life easier for us. How do we know sometimes we don't get the opposite of what we ask because of how we react to not getting it, or that we needed the test of faith in order to blossom, yet sometimes this is when people chose to let it dim them? Unfortunately, when we live outside of educating ourselves in spirituality and live in ignorance of the truth nothing is promised, everything remains meaningless, just as the possessions that collect dust and moths destroy.

     Recently, I have come to realize I let people effect me in a way I don't quite understand. I let people restrict me in conversation and my spiritual growth with them and with myself because I am passive about  their feelings, it is personal. It is important to me to keep my mouth shut and have someone come to me, mostly because I don't like making anyone feel uncomfortable. I remember praying for things as a logical give and take but we all know it simply doesn't work like this. Now I am grateful that my immature prayers were never provided. Why, because not everything we ask for is really necessary and it is not always for our greater good in our growth, like a boy, a child or job we thought would better our life. Let me hit you with a real can you say you don't believe in the unseen if you believe in spirituality? Better yet, how can you say that you don't believe when you simply are unsure or are not feeding yourself within, to answer the questions with truth, by allowing your spirit to show you? My point is we shouldn't make a concrete decision on not having sustainable information or base it on others walks of life or religions. How can anyone say that we do not go anywhere when we're not actually the ones to determine this, our soul/spirit leaves this body and state of mind. There is so much more to life then the physical, I do not need you to be convinced that there is because if you would rather die and not live after death that does not effect my eternity. I just don't understand where you come from, and would love to know what the personal struggle is. I have been a friend of death before and have even kissed it multiple times, but until I realized it is an enemy that wants you to be satisfied within its eternal darkness and misery, I did not understand that life continues on through it. It shouldn't take showing or experience to have faith, gratefully I never lost faith or hope in anything, these experiences were just confirmation for me personally. Everyone is different and we all need different experiences and revelations to feel fulfilled in purpose and promise. We also need to admit that we do not know it all and surrender to the unknown otherwise we restrict ourselves in really receiving what is meant for us. I have compassion for people who don't have any relationship with themselves, enough to admit we just never know it all. If I am not meant to carry on after this life then so be it but I will never say that I will just die to nothingness, not with out a fight. there is more to me then that. Realistically you aren't even trying and you have no courtesy to your own soul based on answering what your spirit knows, yet you doubt.
     What makes me ill is the fact that people who claim or admit that there is nothing after this life have nothing to base their decision on besides their anger of not getting what they have wanted. Or maybe their life hasn't lived up to their fairy tale expectation, who knows, I surely don't, though I am trying to make sense of it. Nothing is perfect since we are not perfect. Life is a struggle and it throws curve balls. I have a relationship with Jesus and I live through the Holy Spirit, this helps me personally to hit those curve balls out of the park. If you don't have or don't want a personal relationship with God because you don't know for yourself or others have impacted your faith then I encourage you to seek for yourself. This is not about religion it's about seeking yourself and finding the truth on your own with support of those who love you, whether passed on or still around you. We can not know someone or something with out  getting to know them or the subject. This has nothing to do with pushing a religion, it's about knowing what is within you not always what happens and what is around you. If I based my faith on everything around me I have missed the point, I lack the understanding that I am so much more then the physical. If we don't exercise our spirit then how can we think that we will grow at all? Don't be so quick to give up your spirit to nothingness rather then knowing there is so much more.
     So I digress, what has brought you to this point in deciding as to why you won't put a little more into yourself instead of living day in and day out, year after year, not molding yourself in something more then what you see? Do you not understand that you are worth so much more then your wounds or past burdens? I pray you give your spirit the opportunity to show you, instead of quicker rejecting your spirit entirely, whether or not it is contrary to what your mind has formed as belief. Keep in mind that there is still evil and good within spirituality and it is important to be able to discern this spirit in order to not stray from what is right and true. Just because someone says they are a spiritual person does not mean they do not wish you harm. Be aware, test the spirit that leads you, to not be fooled.

A few more proverbs:

Proverbs 12:26

A righteous man is cautious in friendship, but the way of the wicked leads them astray.

Proverbs 27:5-6

Better is open rebuke than hidden love.  Wounds from a friend can be trusted, but an enemy multiplies kisses.

Proverbs 17:17

A friend loves at all times, and a brother is born for adversity.

Proverbs 13:20

He who walks with the wise grows wise, but a companion of fools suffers harm.

Proverbs 27:17

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another.

Death by Right, Love by Choice

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